Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Overcoming the undefeatable

Ever had something that seemed so far out of reach that you never though you could achieve it? I know I have, but through it, there is a persistency that keeps me going. When someone tells me that I wont be able to do something that I have set my mind to doing, it only drives me deeper. Even when my mind says I cant take anymore, my heart tells me keep going. So onward I go. For example, if someone tells me that I cant ride a certain horse bareback, I will try and try and try, and although I may fall off multiple times, the difference is that I am the one to get out of the dirt, call it an adventure, and climb back on. To finish doing what I set out to do in the first place. When peers and adults tell me that my dreams are unachievable, its difficult for me to not laugh, because telling me that is like telling Bill Gates that he would never make more than $50,000 a year, its simply something that may seem unachievable to others, but in my own mind, its just a step away.
Apparently the whole determination thing runs in my family. The doctors told my parents that their new born disabled baby girl wouldn't live for more than 2 weeks, but yet, she lived to be 4. And through it she brightened more people's days with her smile and perseverance than any doctor could have ever imagined. Moral of the story? Never discourage someone in doing something or reaching for their dreams, cause one day they may just prove you wrong, and then who looks foolish?