Monday, April 4, 2011


Some may say that family is your parents and siblings. In my words, family is whoever you are closest to, may it be close friends, aunts, uncles, or spouses. Family comes in a million different forms, and you shouldn't let others judge who your family is. Family is where the heart is.
For me, family is a number of people who make my life what it is. Who have watched me grow up from a little baby girl, to a...well i dont know what you would call me now haha. My family is composed of people that dont judge me, but rather accept me for who I have chosen to be. Those that dont punish me when i make a wrong choice, but rather laugh about it and move on. Those that guide me in my decisions, but dont tell me what one to make. Family is not overrated or underrated, but yet whatever you choose to make it.
For example, my family that is directly related to me would be my amazing father, caring mother, and crazy brother. My older sister died when she was only 4, and would have turned 21 this year. Every family has struggles as they grow together. Some more than others, but none the less, I am grateful for all that I have and have grown up with. But on another hand, those three people do not makeup my "family". I have church family, a horse family, an extended family, and a completely random family that cares about me just because they can. And to me, these families put together make mine, as one. Who's your family?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


So I'm 15 right, and most of my best friends are older. Not saying that younger people arent as good as older, just saying that maybe I dont want to deal with the drama of the young. Maturity and wisdom come with age and understanding. But is it possible to be young and have maturity and wisdom? I believe it is possible; but I also believe that it is far and few within teens to see someone who can get along with older people. One of my most cherished friends named Bunny, is in her 60's but shes one of the coolest chicks I know, I love her to death, and she understands that as I am crazy, I am not just another stupid teen. Many of my horse friends are in there 30's or 40's, my favorite just turned 50, but just because they are older than me doesnt mean that we dont get along well. In any case, it brings me to a higher level of knowledge. Learning from there life experiences, and know what I should and shouldn't do in life. Most teens don't think before they say something, look before they fall, or learn very well from there mistakes. I try to not do those things, not saying that I can always accomplish that goal, but I try well enough. Life lesson here? Learning from other's mistakes, and asking questions that you have to those who have been through the same predicaments could save you a whole lot of trouble. Being mature is a good thing, and understanding life is even better.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Reach for the stars

I am an ever forming pearl
Starting as a little nothing
Progressing towards greatness
Being shoved somewhere dark and un-wanting
As others crowd around, un-knowing what to expect
Realizing the bright waters, reaching for the surface
Growing larger every day, still questioning
As the sand caves in all around
Thinking, will I ever get there?
Watching the darkness grow as I do
Falling deeper and deeper into the depths
Knowing no hope, having no faith
When the thought became unbearable
Finally the pit of despair was retrieved and brought to the surface
Feeling the hands all around
Knowing what it feels like to be wanted
Finally reached the greatest point
Being passed from hand to hand, gazed at
The knowing of importance and having value
Being retrieved from the depths of darkness
To the kingdom of greatness

This was the first poem I ever wrote, its significance? Reach for the stars until you grab one. Nothing is out of your reach if you strive with all you have, hold nothing back, and accept who you are, not who people make you out to be

Monday, January 24, 2011

Horses? I think yes. Passion? Definitely.

Not many are able to relate to how I feel about horses. I'm literally horse crazy. I thrive on their power, on their every move. To me, horses are more than just a hobby, a sport, or a job. But rather a lifestyle. With each horse a relationship, whether it be a weak or strong relationship, a connection with the horse is what its all about. Most people I know personally are either terrified of horses, or think they are bland and boring. If you have never gotten bucked off, gotten taken on a wild ride as a horse took off back to the barn, or been on a horse when it spooks; I encourage you to do so, then proceed to tell me that a horse is boring. I can guarantee you will never see a horse or there rider the same again.
           I remember the first day that I had a real lesson, I was with Janet, and I was on a roan 19 year old horse named Sierra. Me, Janet, and another amazing trainer Rebecca went on a nice trail ride, all was fine, until Rebecca trotted her horse up a hill, freaked my horse out, and well Sierra bolted. Luckily I held on till I could whip her head around to stop her. It was truly an eye opener that horses are animals, and not always tame and trained, the rider has to know exactly how to work the horse in order to train such a magnificent animal.
         Horses are a passion. You have the riders that are in it for the fun, the riders that do it for work, riders that do it cause they like horses; then you have the selected few that realize horses are more than just dumb animals. Horses feel tension in your body, they can feel your emotion, if you get nervous they get nervous. Those riders want the relationship with the horse. They want the feeling of speeding down an open dirt road, reins loose, with there best friend, their horse. I acknowledge those that love horses as I do, and I encourage all others to open there eyes to the bigger picture.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Hero

Have you ever had someone change your life? I have. Her name? Janet Titus. Janet is one of those people that inspires you in everything that you do. From the time that you meet her, to the time that you actually get to know her. Lemme give you some background info, Janet is basically the most amazing horse trainer in the world. Not only does she train wild mustangs, untamable horses, and conquer the beast inside, but she also cares for others like no other, helps you with your trials, straightens you out when needed, and loves you unconditionally. Now arent you jealous you dont have your own little Janet? She has changed me for the better, and I will never look back to the old me. Janets like a mother to me, and through all the hardship, she always knows how to cheer me up when Im down, pick me up when I fall, and go the extra step to brush the dirt off. Although I did fall off her horse over the summer and she laughed at me haha. But I deserved it!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Life in general

Have you ever wondered what your doing in life? I know I have. Life is definitely a roller coaster, but whether you choose to ride it or not is your own choice. Personally, I choose to ride it long and hard. To live life to the fullest, with no regrets. To not make a choice today that I cant live with tomorrow. Everything in life is a decision, whether it be what friends you choose, where you want to live, or even what cereal to eat in the morning.
         As my english teacher would say, I use way to many cliches, write all wrong, and dont use the correct punctuation. But those are simple decisions. What is high school these days? Barely learning, persevering through classes that just dont make sense, and of course the horrid teachers that everyone hates.   But then there are the good parts, such as the fun, the friends, the memories, and the laughs. To think about being out of high school is mind boggling, knowing that you may never see those people again. To understand that the day you graduate is the day you are no longer a child, but yet one to make the bigger decisions on your own.
       Well, first blog down haha, my friend, and my heros husband told me to do here it went! Next'll find out about that hero!