Monday, January 24, 2011

Horses? I think yes. Passion? Definitely.

Not many are able to relate to how I feel about horses. I'm literally horse crazy. I thrive on their power, on their every move. To me, horses are more than just a hobby, a sport, or a job. But rather a lifestyle. With each horse a relationship, whether it be a weak or strong relationship, a connection with the horse is what its all about. Most people I know personally are either terrified of horses, or think they are bland and boring. If you have never gotten bucked off, gotten taken on a wild ride as a horse took off back to the barn, or been on a horse when it spooks; I encourage you to do so, then proceed to tell me that a horse is boring. I can guarantee you will never see a horse or there rider the same again.
           I remember the first day that I had a real lesson, I was with Janet, and I was on a roan 19 year old horse named Sierra. Me, Janet, and another amazing trainer Rebecca went on a nice trail ride, all was fine, until Rebecca trotted her horse up a hill, freaked my horse out, and well Sierra bolted. Luckily I held on till I could whip her head around to stop her. It was truly an eye opener that horses are animals, and not always tame and trained, the rider has to know exactly how to work the horse in order to train such a magnificent animal.
         Horses are a passion. You have the riders that are in it for the fun, the riders that do it for work, riders that do it cause they like horses; then you have the selected few that realize horses are more than just dumb animals. Horses feel tension in your body, they can feel your emotion, if you get nervous they get nervous. Those riders want the relationship with the horse. They want the feeling of speeding down an open dirt road, reins loose, with there best friend, their horse. I acknowledge those that love horses as I do, and I encourage all others to open there eyes to the bigger picture.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I too took my first real lesson with Janet and she opened my eyes to the real horse world. It was a world I never knew existed and I was instantly hooked. I remember telling Janet that she taught me more about horses in that first 20 minutes than I had ever learned in all of my 45 years on Earth. After some summer lessons with Janet I then met a 12 year old Mustang mare named Jazzy that I instantly fell in love with. Jazzy soon became mine and we continued to work with Janet the Mustang guru. Since Janet and Jazzy came into my life I have never been the same and there is no going back to the person I was before I walked into the horse world. My life is full now.
